Thursday, May 30, 2013

Bar Diagrams for Math

Introduction :

In math a bar diagram is a pictorial representation of numerical data in the form of rectangles or Bars  of equal widths and various heights. These rectangles are drawn either horizontally or vertically.It should be remembered that bar diagram is of one Dimension.The height of bar represents the frequency of the corresponding observation.The gap between two bars is kept the same.

Steps for drawing bar diagram of math:

STEP 1 :- If the given frequency distribution is in inclusive form, convert it into an exclusive form.

STEP 2 :- Taking suitable scales, mark the class-intervals along x-axis and frequencies on y axis.

Note that the scales chosen for both the axes need not be the same.

STEP 3 :- Construct rectangles with class intervals as bases and the corresponding frequencies as heights.

Example for bar Diagram of math:

Draw the bar diagram following data that is the monthly expenditures of jack’s family on various items

Items                     Expenditure (In Rs.)

House Rent                  3000

Food                               4500

Education                       600

Electricity                       350

Transport                       800

Miscellaneous              500

Procedure to Draw a Bar diagram

Step: 1

First we have to take a paper and draw the horizontal line at the bottom of the paper the horizontal line is called x axis. And draw another line perpendicular to the horizontal line which is called y axis.

Step: 2

With  the horizontal axis, we take the information ‘item’ and in the vertical axis, we take the corresponding other information namely ‘the Expenditure

Bar diagram:

The following diagram is the bar diagram for the given data.

Bar diagram is showing the monthly expenditures of jack’s family on various items.

Questions for the bar diagram of math:

1) What is the information given by the bar diagram?

2) What is the number of items shown in the bar diagram and list them.

3) In which Item the maximum amount was spent.

4) In which Item the minimum amount was spent


1) The information given by the bar diagram is the monthly expenditure of jack’s family on various items.

2) There are 6 items listed in the bar diagram. The six items are house rent, food, education, Electricity, transport and miscellaneous.

3) Food is the item where the maximum amount is spent.

4) Electricity is the item where the minimum amount is spent.

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