Thursday, December 6, 2012

Accurate to Two Decimal Places

Decimal numbers contains decimal places. Here it is very important to know about the place value in decimal numbers.

So what is Decimal Place Value?

It can  be explained by taking example:


let us discuss it using whole number which does not have decimal point in it.

As we go from  right to left the value, the position or the place value gets 10 times bigger.

Similarly as we move from left to right the place value gets 10 times smaller.

What do we get as we move beyond unit place?

Here is where the decimal point comes into picture. If we move beyond unit place the value becomes 1/10, 1/100, 1/1000 and so on. These number which contains decimal point is called DECIMAL NUMBER.

Below is the example for decimal number:


here we can see that the place value of number goes on decreasing as we move beyond decimal points. The value of one in the above example is 1/10 , the place of 2 become 1/100

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Conversion of Decimal Number to Whole Number (accurate to Two Decimal Places)


This can be explained using eg given below:

consider 125.43 and also 125.56

First check the number immediately after the decimal  place. If it is greater than or equal to 5 then add 1 to the unit place and write it as whole number otherwise discard the numbers after decimal point and write the whole number as it is.

In the above example 1)  the number 4 appears immediately after decimal point which is less than 5 .So there is no change and we have to discard all the number proceeding decimal point i,e 4 and 3 and write the number as it is.

whereas in case of example 2) the number which appears immediately is 5 so add one to unit place which becomes 126

Accurate Writing of the Decimal Numbers to 2 Decimal Places

How to write numbers accurate to 2 decimal places?

Even here we have to follow the same rules mentioned above.


123.4612 ----------------------->123.46

123.4689 ------------------------> 123.47

In the above example 1) check the third number after the decimal point. In this case the third number is 1 which is smaller than 5 so don't add 1 to the number which in 1/100's  place and discard the 3rd digit after the point and write as it is. Here  the final number accurate to 2 decimal point becomes  1 2 3 4 . 4 6

example 2) here the 3rd digit after decimal point is 8 which is greater than 5 so add 1 to the second digit after decimal. Here  the final number accurate to 2 decimal point becomes  1 2 3 4 . 4 7

Algebra is widely used in day to day activities watch out for my forthcoming posts on  list of irrational numbers. I am sure they will be helpful.

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