Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Solve Graphing Trigonometric Functions

Graphs of Trigonometric Functions

The relation (variation) between the angles and the values of the trigonometric ratios at them are plotted by graphs .

Pro 1:    Graph of  y  =  sinx

x    -`pi`    `-pi/2`    0    `pi/2`    `pi`    `(3pi)/2`    `2pi`    `(5pi)/2`    `3pi`
y    0    -1    0    1    0    -1    0    1    0
Plot the graph in the coordinate plane by taking angles x in radian measure on X-axis and the values of sinx  =  y on Y-axis .

Sol :

Graph of sinx

By choosing a suitable scale , plot and join the points of  y = sin x with a smooth curve to get the graph .

This curve passes through the origin . The values of sin x vary between -1 and +1 which are respectively the minimum and the maximum . It is in the shape of a wave whose wave length is 2`pi` . This wavelength is nothing but the period .

SInce  `-1<=sinx<=1`   `AA`  x  `in`  R , the sine function is bounded . It can be proved that it is a continuous function on  R .

Pro 2:  Graph of  y  =  cosx

x    `-pi`    -`pi/2`    0    `pi/2`    `pi`    `(3pi)/2`    `2pi`    `(5pi)/2`
y    -1    0    1    0    -1    0    1    0

Sol :

Graph of cosx

By choosing a suitable scale , plot and join the points of y = cos x with a smooth curve to get the graph .

This curve does not pass through the origin . It is evident that the maximum and the minimum values are  +1 and -1 respectively .

Since  `-1<=cosx<=1`   `AA`  x  `in`  R  ,  the cosine function is bounded . It can be shown that is a contnous function and periodic with `2pi` as the period .

I like to share this Solving Trigonometric Equations with you all through my article.

Solve Graphing Trigonometric Functions : Tanx and Cotx

Pro 3:  Graph of  y  =  tanx

x    `-pi/2`    0    `pi/2`    `pi`    `(3pi)/2`
y    not defined    0    not defined    0    not defined

Sol :

Graph of tanx

The curve nearly  touches the vertical lines  at  x  =  ...........`-pi/2`  , `pi/2` , `(3pi)/2` , . .. . . . .

The curve has nreakes at  x  =  (2n + 1)`pi/2`   ,  n  `in`  Z  and passes through the origin . it is not bounded .

The tan function is periodic and `pi`  is the period of it .

Pro 4:  Graph of  y  =  cotx

Graph of cotx

The curve nearly touches the vertical lines at  x  =  . . . . . . . `-pi` , 0 , `pi`  . . . . . . .  .

The curve has breakes at  x  =  n`pi`   ,    n  `in`   Z   and does not pass through the origin . It is not bounded .

The cot function is periodic and  `pi`  is the period of it .

Having problem with Trig Identities Solver Read my upcoming post, i will try to help you.

Solve Graphing Trigonometric Functions : Secx and Cosecx

Pro 5:   Graph of  y = secx

Graph of secx

The curve nearly touches the vertical lines at x  =  . . . . . . . . `-pi/2` , 0 , `pi/2` , `pi` , `(3pi)/2` . . . . . .

The curve has breakes at  x  `in`   (2n+1) `pi/2` ,  n `in`  Z . It is not bounded . The values  of  secx  lie  in  `(oo,-1]uu[1,oo)`

The secant function is periodic and 2`pi`  is the period of it .

Understanding find answers to math problems is always challenging for me but thanks to all math help websites to help me out.

Pro 6:   Graph of  y  =  cosecx

Graph of cosecx

The curve nearly  touches the vertical lines at  x  =  . . . . . . 0 , `pi/2` , `pi` , `(3pi)/2` , 2`pi` , . . . . . .

The curve has taken

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