Thursday, March 14, 2013

Study Online Exponentiation

Exponentiation should be the operation, which is written as the form of an. Where a and n is said to be base and exponent as well as n is any positive integer. In general, exponentiation means that repetitive multiplication. Otherwise, exponentiation an is the product of n factors of a. Online study should be the topic-oriented or else technical help for clarifying doubts that are convey through the computer software. Let us study properties and example problems for exponentiation.

Properties - Study Online Exponentiation

We are having seven number of exponentiation properties that used for solving problems. In this properties, a, m and n are any integer values.

Product of like bases:

The product of powers with the same base means we can add the powers and keep the common base.

am an = am+n

Quotient of like bases:

To divide the powers with similar base, we can subtract the exponents and remain the common base.

`a^m/a^n` = am-n

Power to a power:

In case of raising the power to power, we need to keep same base and multiply the exponent values.

`(a^m)^(n)` = amn

Product to a power:

In case of raising the product to power, we need to raise each factor to the power value.

(ab)m = am bm

Quotient to a power:

In case of raising the quotient to power, we need to raise the numerator and denominator to the power value.

`(a/b)^n` = `a^n/b^n`

Zero exponent:

Any number that is raised with zero power should be equivalent to ‘1’.

a0 = 1

Negative exponent:

a-n = `1/a^n` or `1/a^(-n)` = an

These are the properties that are used for exponentiation problems in study math online.

Example Problems - Study Online Exponentiation

Example 1:

Solve 32 34.


Given, 32 34.

This is in the structure of am an, so we need to use am an = am+n property.

Here, m = 2 and n = 4 and a = 3.

Thus, 32 34 = 32+4

= 36

= 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3

= 9 × 9 × 9

= 729

Hence, the answer is 32 34 = 729.

Example 2:

Shorten the following `6^7/6^4` .


Given, `6^7/6^4` .

This is in the structure of `a^m/a^n` , so we need to use `a^m/a^n` = am-n property.

Here, m = 7 and n = 4 and a = 6.

Thus, `6^7/6^4` = 67-3

= 64

= 6 × 6 × 6 × 6

= 36 × 36

= 1296

Hence, the answer is `6^7/6^4` = 1296.

That’s all about the study online exponentiation.

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